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Service packages and prices


For impact start-ups

Product / Application design

  • User research & testing

  • User experience design 

  • User interface design

From £4k to £15k

Website design

  • User research & testing

  • UX (layout) and UI (look and feel) design


From £4k to £15k

Brand design

  • Brand strategy

  • Creative routes,

  • Brand testing

  • Visual identity

  • Brand guidelines


From £4k to £10k

Marketing & customer experience recommendations

  • Research, audit of business strategy and buying journey

  • Customer experience and marketing plan


From £4k to £10k

For established businesses aspiring to net positive impact

Climate awareness

  • Climate systems workshop & teambuilding

  • Based on Climate Fresk business game

From £1500

Biodiversity awareness

  • Biodiversity and ecosystems workshop & teambuilding

  • Based on Biodiversity collage business game


From £1500

Regenerative business transformation for resilience and net positive impact

  • Social and environmental impact & risk mapping 

  • Regenerative solution design & implementation


From £5000


Get on a free 30 minute call with us. We’d be delighted to discuss your challenges and give you feedback on your designs and strategies.

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