Biodiversity training
Empower your teams to understand biodiversity and ecosystems. Collaborate to tackle biodiversity collapse risk and opportunities.
Biodiversity collage workshops

Biodiversity Collage is an international NGO that has developed a serious game of 39 cards based on reports from the IPBES ( Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) to empower participants to better understand the biodiversity crisis and take action.
In this engaging and collaborative 3-hour biodiversity training, participants will:
Explore the systemic nature of Biodiversity: its essence, strengths, and threats.
Unveil the wonders of ecosystems, understand the concept of ecosystem services and the 5 pressures affecting Biodiversity.
Reflect and collaborate to find solutions to minimize these impacts and safeguard Biodiversty
Biodiversity workshop format
3-hour workshop available online or in person
For groups from 4 people - our experienced facilitators can manage groups of up to 14 people in person.
We can bring in extra facilitators to deliver workshops for larger groups up to 100+.
Available in most languages and geographies through an international network of facilitators.
Experienced facilitators lead participants through the process to foster an engaging, inclusive training and team building experience.
We can host at your venue or at partners sustainable venues in London
From £1500 per workshop
Training of internal facilitators
We can also train your teams to facilitate workshops internally, once they have attended a classic workshop
60000+ participants globally
We have delivered biodiversity training and workshops for Deloitte, EDF, top civil servants in France, researchers and teachers at the University of Bath and Middlesex University, students at Medical schools in France, TD Bank and Desjardins Bank in Canada, and many more!